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SARASOTA, Fla. (SNN) – Sarasota Police Department started investigating a robbery when a homeowner noticed her delivered packages worth $1,830 in items were missing on her front porch at Cosmopolitan Avenue.

A surveillance video released by police show a women take box after box.

“We see these videos every year unfortunately. You are trying to give to others for Christmas time, the holiday and unfortunately somebody is trying to take that from you and your love ones,” Cynthia McLaughlin , Sarasota Police Department public information officer said.

Police said they were able to track down the women using the license plate seen in surveillance video. They later arrested and charged  45-year-old  Angelique Poquette with grand theft, driving with a suspended license and other drug charges.

“We were able to get back those presents to the residents. Poquette would no longer be taking presents and packages,” McLaughlin said.

Detectives are currently investigating other packages that are missing from the neighborhood.